Professional Advisor Resources

As a professional advisor, you play a key role in helping your clients structure their charitable giving plans. Your clients look to you for tax-smart advice. Our staff is skilled in working with people who have multiple charitable, personal and financial objectives, and sometimes complex gift situations. As your partner in charitable giving we can help you achieve success for your clients and our community.

Ways to Help Your Clients

Call on us for help in establishing a fund, selecting an investment strategy and setting up an effective grantmaking or scholarship program. We are trusted guides for giving in the North State and work with corporations, nonprofit agencies and organizations on a variety of local issues.

The Community Foundation of the North State can provide a vehicle which allows your clients to control the timing and ultimate beneficiary of their gifts.  Working with the Community Foundation assures the desired tax result of a gift to a public charity but leaves your clients with the flexibility to determine the ultimate use of their funds. 

Significant giving opportunities often arise when clients are making major business, personal and financial decisions. Our staff can work with you and your client to recommend opportunities for the best charitable solution for topics like:

  • Year-End Tax Planning
  • Preserving an Estate
  • Alternative to a Private Foundation
  • Strategic Giving
  • Closely Held Stock
  • Highly Appreciated Stock
  • IRA/401k Assets funds

In many instances, setting up a donor-advised fund provides an efficient and easy alternative to setting up a private foundation; at a fraction of the time and financial outlay.

Guide to Estate Planning & Bequests

Qualified Charitable Distributions

Donor Advised Funds

Gifts of Real Estate

Scholarship Flyer

Charitable Gift Annuities

DAFs vs. Private Foundations

Check Out Advisor Solutions

The Community Foundation of the North State is proud to share our new Advisor Solutions e-news with you. This quarterly resource for professional advisors highlights charitable tools, strategies, and insights to assist you and your clients.

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