Lakehead Fire Station Remodel Fund
The Lakehead Fire Station Remodel Fund supports a remodel project to the community-owned Lakehead Volunteer Fire Company 54 that will improve response time in the Lakehead community and the Interstate 5 corridor from Pit River Bridge at Bridge Bay to Sims Road, a coverage area of 260 square miles that includes more than 2,000 residents.
A key component to the planned improvements listed below is the addition of sleeping quarters, making the station a candidate for Shasta County Fire Dept’s Reserve Firefighter Program. This eligibility will provide paid firefighters from Shasta County Fire Department to help staff our Station 54 with 24-hour coverage and improve public safety for all living and traveling through our region.
We currently have one part-time volunteer firefighter and one in training. Lakehead Volunteer Fire Company 54 receives an average of 300+ calls a year. Weekday response time from out-of-the area first responders is 45 – 60 minutes or more. This includes responding to structure or brush fires, accidents and medical emergencies in the community, along the Interstate 5 corridor, Union Pacific and Amtrak Railroads, and on Shasta Lake. Company 54 owns a fire-rescue boat, but due to a lack of trained volunteer firefighters, have been unable to respond to on-the-lake emergencies since 2016. This is a special need that places our community and recreational visitors on the lake at additional safety risk.
All donations will go to the remodel project efforts, including:
- Cost of construction materials & labor
- Permits
- Rental space during construction
- Upgrades
- Appliances
- Other (furnishings, mail/postage, etc.)
Lakehead is the only remaining unburned wildfire fuel in this populated region of Shasta National Forest following the Carr Fire, Hirz Fire, and Delta Fire disasters in 2018.
For more information please e-mail questions to lakeheadvfc54@gmail.com
or by U.S. Mail to Lakehead Voluntary Fire Company 54, PO Box 138, Lakehead, CA 96051
Additional Background Information