First 5 Shasta Children and Families Fund
Your contribution to this Children and Families Fund makes you an important partner in First 5 Shasta’s work toward building and strengthening a pathway to success for young children.
This investment supports good health, optimal child development, quality child care and invaluable early education that is crucial to a child’s ability to enter school eager and capable of learning. The fund was established specifically to assist First 5 Shasta’s efforts to ensure that our children grow into successful, productive adults who will be part of a thriving Shasta County. Your donation benefits these young children today and our entire community for generations to come.
First 5 Shasta was established following the 1998 passage of Proposition 10, the California Children and Families Act, which placed a 50-cent tax on tobacco products to fund early childhood health and development programs and services, parent education, and other systems improvements that ultimately benefit children ages 0-to-5.
Your gifts help improve the quality of life in our North State region. Our online giving service is safe, convenient and secure. Make your gift by clicking on the Donate button below. We can accept Visa, MasterCard, and American Express.